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Rosh Hashanah
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Rosh Hashanah
Gift to Israel
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Rosh Hashanah
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Rosh Hashanah
Gift to Israel
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Rosh Hashanah
Gift to Israel
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Rosh Hashanah
Gift to Israel
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$ 55.49
Rosh Hashanah
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Rosh Hashanah
Gift to Israel
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Gift to Israel
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Gft to Israel
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Rosh Hashanah
Gift to Israel
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Rosh Hashanah
Gift to Israel
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Rosh Hashanah
Gift to Israel
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Rosh Hashanah one of their most important religious holidays. It remembers the creation of the world. In Hebrew, Rosh Hashanah means the "head of the year." It is also called the Feast of the Trumpets. The blowing of a ram's horn, a shofar, proclaims Rosh Hashanah, and summons Jews to religious services. Apples dipped in honey is a Rosh Hashanah tradition. It symbolizes the hope for a "sweet year" ahead. Honey is spread on challah. Tzimmes, a mixture made from carrots, cinnamon, yams, prunes, and honey.Rosh HaShanah begins on September 13, 2015, Jewish traditional Rosh Hashanah custom consists of dipping the apple in honey. A traditional Rosh Hashanah gift basket would include a Honey jar and a symbolic apple. Kosher Rosh Hashanah Gift Baskets are sent to family and friends. Gift-Israel.com presents an expanded selection of Rosh Hashanah items, a vast variety of traditional kosher food for Rosh Hashanah. Jews all over the world celebrate the Jewish New Year with food that symbolize prosperity (pomegranates, dates, figs, carrots,honey) to wish Shanah Tova U'metukah! - A Sweet and Healthy Year!Rosh HaShanah is a happy day, it is also a day for reflection on new beginnings and prayers for a happy and healthy New Year to come.