Hanukkah Chanukah gift baskets, kosher hanukkah gifts and baskets, children gifts for hannukkah, delivers in Israel & worldwide.
Hanukkah gifts & gift baskets, traditional & unique Jewish gifts for the hanukkah holidays. Online Israeli source for chanukah gift baskets.
As an add-on to your gift with a minimum order of 1/2 dozen.
Sufganiyot are only available during the Hanukkah season, it is replaced by danish items
What would be Hanukkah without a dreidel?
This item can be purchased as add-on only.
For separate quantity purchase contact : giftisrael@gmail.com
This item is only available during Hanukkah
This item can be purchased as add-on only.
For separate quantity purchase contact :orders@gift-israel.com
Hanukkah best friend
Fluffy huge - 50 cm 20 inch - Teddy Bear a great gift,waiting to be hugged and kissed.
you can already imagine your special loved one cuddling it.
Start the party ...it's Hanukkah time of joy.
Besides all the goodies in this tray, you can choose for its center the following items at no additional cost.
Hanukkah gelts or dreidel
From $39.99
A thoughtful addition to your gift - with your personal note attached, it will be very appreciated.
You can request the complete catalog of pictures from giftisrael@gmail.com
No Price
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children Hanukkah
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Or by email giftisrael@gmail.com
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Your greetings in Hebrew or any non-English fonts OK to giftisrael@gmail.com with your order #
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